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June Holiday Programmes
Graces Speech & Drama Studio came about from the closure of Holy Child Speech & Drama Centre in late 2004. When Holy Child closed its doors for the final time - ending 30 years of community arts involvement in Katong, then head-of-department Grace Yap moved quickly to ensure that students would have a place to continue their drama education. By the time 2005 came around, teachers and students had been brought together to rebuild a drama studio and school.
Today, the studio continues a tradition of community learning while offering quality Speech & Drama teaching built on our predecessor's curriculum. As with our roots as a non-profit enrichment school for families of small means, Graces continues our involvement in social programmes and teaching.
Contact us today for a trial lesson.
The school holidays are here again! Join us yet again for some fun and learning opportunities. Definitely a fun way to relax before school bell starts ringing again!
Check out our holiday programmes